We interviewed Josh Graham, School Board Member (District 9) about this recent decision.
SNSNC: Can you tell me why the school board has made the decision to create an email that would reach all of the school board members simultaneously?
JG: I initiated this shortly after being appointed to the school board based on what the county commission has in place. The purpose is to make it easier and more convenient to reach everyone on the board about county-wide issues and to improve communication from the public, since they are unable to speak on anything other than agenda items at the school board meetings. One collective email guarantees that people have the correct email address and it ensures accountability.
SCSNC: What do you hope will be the long-term outcome of having this email?
JG: I hope for the public to have more of an opportunity to voice their experiences and opinions and for them to have more access to the school board. When this happens, it “builds a bigger voice on what the need is.”
SCSNC: Can you explain for our readers what some of the common reasons are why someone would want to contact one or more board members?
JG: In general, people contact us with comments or questions about fund allocation. Some recent issues have included school HVAC problems, library book concerns, and teacher shortages.
SCSNC: How about in terms of our special education community?
JG: Concerns about IEP’s.
We appreciate Josh Graham’s time and look forward to hearing your feedback about your experiences using the collective email. The email address is: scsboard@sumnerschools.org